Tag Archives: Cary Stamp and Co. JRC Consulting Group

Episode 4: Dan Sheehan discusses Growing, Working, and Playing in Palm Beach

Everyone uses banks. But how do you know if banking is an industry you want to enter?

In this episode, Cary Stamp is joined by Dan Sheehan, the chairman and CEO of Professional Bank and Professional Holding Corporation. Dan discusses the many experiences he gained on his way to a successful career in professional banking. He shares his future goals and why he is an advocate of making banking personable.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About the experiences Dan gained before entering the financial industry
  • His goals for the future of his business
  • Why Dan decided to create a bank that’s willing to hustle for its clients
  • His advice for future entrepreneurs
  • And more!

Tune in now to hear about Dan Sheehan’s journey into the banking industry!

Resources:  Cary Stamp & Co. | Professional Holding Corporation

Episode 3: John Carr discusses Thriving in Palm Beach County —

Think back to the last time a door-to-door salesman came to your door. Where did they start?

Today, Cary Stamp is joined by JRC Consulting Group President and Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce chairman, John Carr. As a successful sales professional, John recounts his entrance into the sales industry and shares valuable insight into the continuous evolution of his career.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How John first entered the sales industry
  • The people who have influenced John’s business journey
  • Key lessons John has learned throughout his business career
  • How the Chamber of Commerce impacts the community
  • And more!

Join Cary Stamp and John now to discover how John reached his business paradise in Palm Beach County!

Resources:  Cary Stamp & Co. | JRC Consulting Group